New Profile Fields - Required

New Profile Fields - Required

de Susan Ndagi -
Número de respuestas: 0


I hope you are well and enjoying your holidays.

Please note that some changes have been made to your profiles. 
As you login to your account to access the platform, you will be prompted to fill in some extra profiles fields as shown in the image below:

Please note that it is an EBU Requirement (Not Optional) that you to fill in these fields to continue accessing the site. The selections have been arranged alphabetically for easier accessibility.
NB: Ensure you make the correct selections since you won't be able to change them once made. 

Please reach out to me via in case the entry you want to select is missing from the options, or if you need any technical assistance with the platform.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2022! 


Susan Ndagi
EBU Tech