Exciting Updates to Our Moodle Home Page!

Exciting Updates to Our Moodle Home Page!

by Ann Matati -
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Dear EBU Connect Users,

We are thrilled to announce some exciting updates to our Moodle home page, aimed at making your experience more interactive and streamlined. Here's what has changed:

1. Introducing Sliders: We have added sliders to the home page, showcasing our diverse range of students across various programs. Each slider features self-directing buttons, leading you to dedicated pages with more program-specific information. Discover more about our programs, student testimonials and more with just a click!

2. Streamlined Enrollment/Application Process to Degree and Certificate Courses: To enhance navigation and reduce scrolling, we have relocated the Certificate and Degree course enrollment sections. Now, you can easily access these programs by clicking the relevant buttons on the sliders. i.e. For the September Certificate courses, simply click the "Enroll in Certificate courses" button on the slider to begin your journey. For the Degree programs Click on the 'Start Your Degree Journey' to proceed to the page with more information on this. Note that this has not affected the enrolment process in any way, we have just relocated these sections to their own dedicated pages.

3. Convenient Account Access: We understand the importance of quick access to your dashboard. Therefore, we have added a "Access Your Account" button on the sliders, which serves as a direct login link for existing students. Now, effortlessly reach your personalized dashboard in no time.

4. Program Banners and Faculty Profiles: We have replaced multiple faculty pictures with eye-catching banners representing each program. Alongside each banner, you'll find a button that leads you to the respective program's faculty webpage, where you can explore detailed profiles of our esteemed faculty members. Get to know the exceptional experts guiding your learning!

5. Student Testimonials:  Hear firsthand accounts of student experiences and successes at EBU. Access this by clicking the "EBU Student Testimonials" button on the third slider. Gain inspiration from their stories and discover the impact our programs can have on your educational journey.

These updates aim to create an engaging and user-friendly home page experience, reducing content bulk and simplifying navigation. We believe these changes will greatly enhance your Moodle journey.

Feel free to explore the new features and let us know your feedback. As always, our support team is here to assist you with any questions or concerns.

Wishing you continued success in your learning endeavors!

Best regards,
Ann Matati
Senior Technology Support Manager